Overwatch Beta

Admin/ November 2, 2015/ Video Games


The Overwatch Beta test is in full swing.  And I don’t have a key.  Yes I know, the salt is real.  The desperation to have one is even more real.

What I have learned from being a Beta Tester in the past, is that Blizzard looks for a few traits when selecting its testers.

First: If you are well known in the gaming community.  Popular Streamers and Casters get a high chance of entering into any video game Beta.  Not just a Blizzard one.

Second, if one has a history of being a Beta Tester, that ups their chances.  Especially when they report bugs and help fix errors in the game.

Third, standard players are chosen at random.  These are people that are not well known.  These people allow the mid to high and (even low) levels of skill play itself out for the sake of balancing and such.

Fourth and finally which is the purpose of this blog post, the final way to increase chances of getting into the beta is to talk about it.  Blizzard wants people who promote their products to continue promoting.  its common sense that they would do so here.

Now pray with me that I get in. And if you are competing with me for a spot.  May I get in first.


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