Trans-Pacific Partnership

Admin/ July 1, 2015/ Political

In this 3 part controversy series, I have moved from the most exciting issue, to finally, ending with the most bleak.  The Trans-Pacific Partnership has been a controversy of late.  Especially as cited by the Nay Sayers who claim that the other two issues that I have already written about in length: Marriage Equality and the Confederate Flag, are nothing more than distractions while this becomes law.

Many fear that as history has taught, trade agreements in general tend to screw over the poor and middle class (which in my opinion is just a nice way of telling slightly less impoverished poor people that they are special, but I digress.) And they are actually correct.  However, what they are wrong about is that discussing this issue will create some sort of change.

I warned at the start that this was to be the most negative of the three posts.  The protests, the political opinions, they matter on some issues.  This is not one of them.  This is a created by the rich, for the rich issue.

When it comes to making money, unless you the reader are one of them its quite simple.  They do not care about you.  They Do Not Care About You. They Do Not Care About You.

Have I gotten my point across?

This deal will succeed no matter how much the American people as well as the people of every single nation feel about it.  We are nothing more than pawns to these people.  We are just another cog in the machine.  even worse, if we start behaving like rabid dogs to try and get our way, they may even consider putting us down.

Be careful about what issues you protest.  Unless you are truly prepared to fight, breath, and maybe even die for what you believe, it may be futile.


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