Fan Art Contest

Admin/ May 29, 2015/ Books

This blog post is much more informative than anything else.  There are many forms of media that can be considered art.  They are not limited by pictures, or books, acting, or any other multitude of medium that seeks to educate and entertain. The type of fiction that I write entails a level of art that I would like to see

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The Giant Space Flea From Nowhere

Admin/ April 23, 2015/ Books, Video Games

  Anyone who has played a video game quickly pictured one of these bosses the moment they read the title of the blog post.  The Giant Space Flea from no where is normally a sign of poor game design where the creators knew they needed a boss fight as is normal in video games as you approach the end of

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Why I tend to favor Lancers over Heroes.

Admin/ April 13, 2015/ Books, Movies, Rants, Video Games

  This is a literary blog post about my writing style and also may explain a bit about the types of characters I prefer.  To get to the point at hand, the stereotypical idea of the Hero, especially the Chosen One, is a character type that I cannot stand. especially if the Hero is an idealist.  Perhaps it is a

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Magic System in the Search for Eden

Admin/ April 9, 2015/ Books

  Every so often I actually do a blog post about my novels.  This is one such post.   I pride myself on the functional magic systems I create in my works.  Within the universes, I tend to have characters that exist solely to understand these complex systems and make a science out of them.  The Search For Eden is

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The Darkest Hour

Admin/ March 30, 2015/ Books, Movies, Rants, Video Games

  The Darkest Hour, a phrase overused for time eternity, and yet a phrase that I enjoy.  One that shapes my writing style greatly. You know these moments in fiction.  The time when the Villain looks like they may actually win (or does win in some cases changing the plot entirely) The moment where the trusted friend proves they were

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The End of Utopia Part 2

Admin/ March 16, 2015/ Books

  Tomorrow will be a momentous day for me.  The second Part of The End of Utopia will be available for digital download on Amazon.  I have spent quite a deal of time on this series but in many of my drafts, I found that the section that you will read starting tomorrow lacking. This final rendition was a heavy

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Jarlaxle Baenre

Admin/ March 12, 2015/ Books

  Surprised? I did warn you I intended to write a blog post on him.   This post is dedicated and about one of my favorite fictional characters of all time and quite possibly the greatest example of magnificent bastard in fantasy. (Even if his brother Gromph constantly outsmarts him)   Jarlaxle Baenre is a Drow Elf that is quite

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On a Favorite Series of Mine

Admin/ March 10, 2015/ Books

  This week, I got the fantastic chance to delve once more into the newest installment of one of my favorite Authors of all: RA Salvatore. His Legend of Drizzt series which is now 30 books strong (and counting) has kept me captivated for years when I first jumped into Homeland and was shown the dark intrigue of the Drow.

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