Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Terwilliger Trail

Admin/ May 13, 2022/ Central Florida, Florida, Trails, Travel

After moving to Sanford Florida, I saw trail right near my house. And so I checked out Terwilliger Trail. Its not on most maps.

After moving into my new place up in Sanford I decided to look around and see what might be nearby. While I already knew about one prominent trail, I saw another one and found Terwilliger Trail. Its a nice straightforward walk between a couple apartment complexes. And from what I could see, it looks like this place is well lit up at night.

There were a surprising number of others using this trail. Mostly people riding bikes. I imagine that the trail is used as a shortcut to get from one part of Sanford to another quickly without the use of a car. With plenty of wooded areas and benches along the way, its quite a peaceful pocket of the world.

As I mentioned earlier, Terwilliger Trail isn’t terribly long. Built as a sort of shortcut, I found a sign that explained the history of the trail and surrounding area in a bit more detail. At the time of me exploring, I was having an existential crisis and felt extremely depressed. But this walk helped calm me down. Even if what you see here, doesn’t look that impressive, to me it was a big deal.

I decided not to sit down on any of the many benches that I passed while walking the trail. There was not time for rest. Both my mental and physical health demand that I stay as active as I can. Is that unhealthy to force on myself? Probably.

Anyway, the trail wasn’t too long and it helped calm me down after a depressive episode. Not much more I could have asked for. At least I know about this shortcut should I choose to take some longer hikes down the road.

Pokémon Go:

Terwilliger Trail was a simple walk with few unique landforms, though plenty of peace and quiet. That does not translate well in Pokémon Go though which like to be where major landmarks and unique landforms can be found. There were some spawns, but as you can see, only one Pokestop. And lest we forget, the map doesn’t even think this trail exists.

Use the trail for a simple walk or shortcut if in a hurry. But for Pokémon Go, there are better options nearby.

I hatched a Pikipek from an egg. And as I did, two more spawned in the wild right by me. I expect nothing from 2k eggs and am still disappointed.

Sandile is still my buddy and the desert croc is still enjoying the Florida humidity.

Here I am looking at the sun for the sake of trying to and failing to get Lake Monroe in the background. I wasn’t feeling so great so the smile was forced. But at least I got out and about. With more outdoors I’ll be a happier me. There is plenty to explore near my new house. Look forward to more stuff soon.

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