
Admin/ February 20, 2015/ Rants


In my last post, I touched upon one of my other greatest desires in the world.  While my love have trains has been a part of me since infancy, this fascination led to another as I gained age and experience.

Wanderlust is defined as the need to see new places.  For me, this was an end result of my fascination trains which in turn lead to a fascination with maps and directions.  It is one thing to see a place on a map, and quite another to see it in person.

Being that I am tied down with jobs that greatly limit my free time, as well as trying to get another part of a novel ready for you all, my chances at freely exploring the world are vastly limited.  That has not completely stopped me though.  When I drive around Orlando, I do what I can to pick new routes to my destination assuming I have any time to spare.

A GPS tells its user the fastest way to get from point A to point B, but by actually looking at the maps instead of just obeying, the directions, one is able to find all routes between the two points.  That is what I do when I feel my needs of exploration kick in.

Of course there is only so much to explore in the Orlando area and soon I will exhaust what I can see forcing me to go explore further south and north and east and west.  By then, I hope to have my income under control so that I can give into one of my older childish dreams.

There is a vast world out there, and I intend to see it all.  I cannot be an author writing about wondrous places till I have seen all the wonders of our Earth.

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