The Origin of the Name Palestine and What It Means

Admin/ August 30, 2015/ Political


There are few topics that have been capturing media attention for such a long time as the Israeli Palestinian Conflict.  This post will be talking about the Origin of the name Palestine itself and NOT about the people who currently claim to be the people from that land area.

Before I continue, I want to bring up a fictional comparison from an Anime I have just finished watching that has a similar situation occur.  In Code Geass, (which is a fantastic Anime and you can read about my review of it in a Blog Post near this one on the page) one of the driving forces of the plot is the fact that the British Empire has conquered Japan and renamed it Area 11.  In addition, they have renamed the Japanese as 11s.  The British do this with the intent of stripping these people of their identity as well as removing any connection they may have to their homeland by causing it to no longer exist.
Back to Israel, it was renamed Palestine by the Romans in 135 CE after they crushed the Rebellion of Shimon Bar Kokhba.  They did this to remove the Jewish Identity from the land as well as remove all trace of the land of Israel from history.  Isn’t it crazy?  It sounds just like what Britain did in Code Geass. 
The Japanese fought tooth and nail for their identity in the Anime, just as the Jewish people fight now, as we have reclaimed our homeland from would be usurpers.  I call on he world to let the Roman Empire rot.  They were defeated long ago.  The Jewish people outlasted them, just like all our enemies.  Remove the word Palestine from the area around Israel.  It is the label of a long dead Empire.  Dead things after all are supposed to aid the living, not hinder them, are they not?
And with the truth being shown as Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe, a well as BDS showing its true colors in Spain, now is a time more than ever, that the Jewish people have need of our homeland.  A homeland that can help to weather the storm that is coming our way.  In a United home, we can stop this hatred, before it blows up into full grown genocide.
Masada will never fall again.  The Roman Empire is dead.  Let us bury the word Palestine with it.
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