The Controversy of the Temple Mount

Admin/ October 15, 2016/ Political, Rants

  For those of you who have not been paying attention to this issue (which I assume is many since there are a lot of issues circulating the webs right now) the United Nations has moved forward with passing laws that would ban all non Muslims from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  This same legislation also seeks to remove that

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Yom Kippur: Fasting

Admin/ September 22, 2015/ Rants

  Yom Kippur begins tonight and while many non Jews (and Jews) see it as a day of fasting, this is not the central theme of the day.  Of course I have written about that issue in the past, so here I am going to address a little tidbit I have found with the fasting itself. A common saying one

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Birthright Day 1

Admin/ June 12, 2015/ Rants

Today I spent my first true day in Israel.  Already seeing how amazing the country is, I was still not prepared for the splendor of the north. First I went Banyas and got very close to the Lebenon border.  The waterfall was a spectacular sight as was the gorge created by the river that eventually becomes part of the Jordan

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