Tin Foil Hat: The Cold War Never Ended

Admin/ October 24, 2016/ Political, Rants

  I know I know, the first thought reading that headline is “Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall!!!” And immediately thoughts move next to the fact that the wall separating Germany in two indeed came down.  But is it possible that rather than the Soviet Union giving up, it just decided to play a much longer game? Welcome to this weeks

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Why Israel’s Existence is the Only Hope the Palestinians Have

Admin/ April 18, 2016/ Political, Rants

  It is becoming overwhelmingly disturbing, the amounts of propaganda being thrown at the Jewish people, especially the ones who live in Israel as well as the countries supporters.  The media would have you believe that the word Zionist is akin to a Klansman or a Neo Nazi. And what makes me even more sick.  Sick to the point that

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