Dungeons and Dragons Day 26: Wererats and Bears

Admin/ October 22, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

Being approached by a horde of strangers was very suspicious in any place. But given the nature of this dungeon and the recent upheaval in the world, and the party was prepared for a fight. Grez prepared to fight, but the others wanted to ask questions first. Questions of who these people were got tossed around first. There was no

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 24: Apocalypse

Admin/ October 13, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

The Chosen Death Knight: The day of the constantly foreshadowed Apocalypse was upon the party, and they were trapped in prison. Their jailer’s were hordes of Angels loyal to Exscutchon.  While Caic, the Paladin felt safe, being in such close proximity to the source of his power, the rest of the group was on edge. Their first encounter with an Angel

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 23: Dinner Party Part 4

Admin/ September 24, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

Return to the Servant’s Quarters: As the final act of the dinner party began, tensions were high. Hadron, the Barbarian/Warlock wanted to do whatever Antoinette said if it meant keeping his head. Grez, the Monk did not want to work with any of the corrupt nobles..  Sigvard, the Death Knight was willing to entertain Rose’s opinion as a third option.

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 22: Dinner Party Part 3

Admin/ September 23, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

Violence in the Servant’s Quarters The party continued their investigation of the servants quarters.  The crashed into the main hall of this area, fully expecting more Vampire Spawn.  They were in for a very different sort of surprise. A group of Demons stood in the middle of the room, and the party was attacked immediately.  Fending off this newest foe

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 21: Dinner Party Part 2

Admin/ July 22, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

The Main Hall: Entering the main hall, the party began getting acquainted properly with the Dwarven Nobles.  As they had made an ally in House Trollbreaker thanks to the Paladin, this is the house they sat nearest. The Monk spoke to house Windmaul who warned him of Vampire servants.  He was told to talk to the Battlemaiden of the house

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Berserk 2016: Spoiler Free Review

Admin/ October 8, 2017/ Anime

  Hot on the heels of my last review, I choose now to review the much more controversial 2016 Berserk Anime.  Warning, to even review this Anime means mentioning spoilers from Berserk 1997, so if you have not seen that Anime, I recommend avoiding reading this review.  This review is spoiler free in regards to the material being reviewed, but

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Why I turned my Back on God

Admin/ July 17, 2017/ Rants

  Anyone who knows me well understands that I am apologetically Jewish, even the name of this entire blog should tell a stranger this truth.  However, the more and more I understand the Torah, and other related texts, the less I trust the one who created it, and by proxy, created me. Perhaps it is through my love of Cosmic

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Cedric the Demonic Knight: Review

Admin/ February 17, 2017/ Books

    As a writer, it is my great pleasure to review the novel of a fellow local author.  Cedric the Demonic Knight is a story that weaves an assortment of fantastic myths and mythology into a pretty spectacular Fantasy Kitchen Sink. For those unfamiliar with such a term, it basically means that think of a creature or idea that

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Using Darkness to Change the World

Admin/ February 11, 2017/ Books, Rants, Video Games

  Writing and I have had a fairly symbiotic relationship since I was very young.  I am one of those weird children who enjoyed writing far more than reading at first.  I discovered as I grew older that the reason behind this was as a result of me being both bored and disillusioned by what I was forced to read

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