Starbucks Cup

Admin/ November 12, 2015/ Political, Rants


I really can’t believe I am writing about this.  I feel dirty every single time I add another letter to this post.

Can we just all come to grips with reality please?  A cup is offending you?  Please go back to whatever planet of stupid you came from and stay there.  Stop infecting us with your uselessness.

Real talk though.  It really does show how blessed some people are in their lives that their biggest concern is the color of a coffee cup.  I mean, its not like there are far worse problems out there.

Ya know, problems like: Starvation, Child Slavery, Sex Trafficking, Terrorism, Beheadings, Rampant Sickness, Extreme Poverty, Grotesque Greed, Lack of Goodwill for our Fellow Man/Woman, and so many other countless issues that I cannot begin to even list them all.

Instead, I will leave you with this.

Also, next time I am in Starbucks, I will tell them my name is “Hail Satan”  I don’t drink Coffee, nor do I believe in the Christian Devil.

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