Questions to my Readers

Admin/ March 8, 2015/ Rants

So I have decided every so often to write a Blog Post to gain feedback from my viewers.  This is one of those posts.
I seek to write about an assortment of topics that are relevant in today’s world as well as provide insight into ideas that are important to everyone.  I also seek to educate about issues that many are too afraid to bring to the table.  To this end, I have some questions to ask my viewers to help improve my blog.
1) What topics would you like to see discussed?
2) What Posts are your favorites/ones that you dislike?
3) How do you feel about the format of my blog?
4) How easy/difficult is it to actually comment on my blog?
5) Areas of my writing that need work/you seem to enjoy?
6) Blog posts that seemed random and did not contribute to the rest of the posts?
7) What other feedback do you have for me?  
I hope to see some comments below.  If not, I will take a guess that the 4th question is the cause of the problem
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