Nepal Earthquake

Admin/ April 27, 2015/ Political

I decided I should put in my two cents into this issue while it is still fresh in our minds (IE before the Media creates a new crisis of the week for us to focus on) Nepal was hit by a massive Earthquake that has destroyed a large swath of the country, ended countless lives (more than 3000 deaths at the time of writing this post) and the lives lost are increasing.  Families have also become separated in the destruction.

Despite this, the world has responded, and not with more violence.  It is when three types of disaster occur, when horrific tragedies on a scale such is this happen, that it is then, and only then, that the little faith I have left in the human race is renewed.

When disaster strikes, then and only then, is the true extent of Human kindness unlocked.  Countries from the around the world like Israel, The United States and many countries in Europe are doing what they can to help lesson the suffering of those in Nepal.

What I ask then from any who read this is simple.  Do not let what Ozymandias preached in Watchman prove to be true.  We should not as a species, need a crisis outside of our control that brings society to a crashing halt to bring good to the world.  We need to bring light to the darkness instead of reacting to this very same darkness.

Be that light today.  Don’t wait for others to show good.  In this world of follow the leader, the only Shepard in this flock are sociopaths, so be the new Shepard and teach the flock to think for themselves.


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