Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Park Lake

Admin/ March 12, 2019/ Travel

Before I go explore another trail near downtown Orlando, I needed to complete one more task. I walked into Park Lake, which is not Lake Park by the way. Let’s see what I found.

It has been a long time since I explored a park centered around a lake. But that drought has come to an end. The lake pictures have returned. And with an overcast sky, it creates the impression of a dreary day. The many birds I saw along the way, including ducks disagreed with the visible conditions.

I did take a couple photos that did not fully include the lake. The neighborhood around here looks like a place I would be willing to live. And it is right near Downtown Orlando. Having access to lakefront without driving is certainly a perk I could get used to.

I have driven around this area many times, and my first memory here is of the many flocks of ducks. One must be careful when they drive down the street. I took a picture of a sign warning of the duck crossing. Sadly it is concealed behind the lamppost.

If you thought I was done with the lake photos, you would be very wrong. I took these images of Park Lake as well. Silly enough, the lake and park share the same name. Or perhaps there is no park, and its just the lake.

Here is Park Lake in Pokemon Go. There are two Pokestops here, but the density of spawns are not so great. Fear not though, all around here are many other parks that are much better for a Pokemon Go adventure. I will be exploring these locations over the next several posts.

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