Dungeons and Dragons Day 22: Dinner Party Part 3

Admin/ September 23, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

Violence in the Servant’s Quarters

The party continued their investigation of the servants quarters.  The crashed into the main hall of this area, fully expecting more Vampire Spawn.  They were in for a very different sort of surprise. A group of Demons stood in the middle of the room, and the party was attacked immediately. 

Fending off this newest foe was a final warning that Fodrin was not their ally.  Otherwise these Demons would not have attacked the party at all. While the group killed them with relative ease, the battle had wasted a fair amount of time and to avoid suspicion, the group needed to return soon.  

Knowing that there was not enough time to investigate the bedrooms, the group went across to the other door. Before they entered, the Paladin used his Divine Sense again and discovered a massive battle happening on the other side of the door. The group decided against fighting everything at once and was content instead to let the numbers of their foes dwindle.

However, before they could enter, the Paladin was hit by a sonic blast from one of the Demons and almost fell unconscious.  Only his strong fortitude kept him conscious. However, the rest of the party was unaffected.  The remaining Vampire Spawn and Demons that they faced were unable to deal with a third group of foes and the party won out.

Deadly Truths

Realizing that their time grew short if the group wanted to be back at the dinner party in time, they left.  The servants quarters alerted them to the danger of a second foe.  Most of them were very eager to question Fodrin.

Each of the members of the group wanted to walk around the main room and question people on their own terms. The Monk filled in his report of what had happened in the Servant’s Quarters to House Windmaul.  Afterwards, he was summoned by Fodrin.  The Monk noticed that both the guards around the Prince, as well as the number of servants in the room were lower than before.

Fodrin asked him how he was enjoying the dinner party.  Without wanting to call him out directly, the Monk said that he had fought Demons and Vampires in the Servant Quarters.  There was a tense moment of passive aggression between the two as it was clear in the Monk’s mind that Fodrin was very aware of Cranaak’s presence.

Deadly Choices

When this discussion ended, The Queen summoned the Monk to her.  And by doing it telepathically, he was certain that her identity was that of a Vampire.  She confirmed that she was Antoinette.  Reminding the Monk of his precarious position, the Queen pointed out that she could save them from prison, but only if they sided with her against Fodrin.  She also cautioned against telling the rest of the Dwarves the truth.

Unknown to the Monk, while his conversation with the Queen was warded against listeners, his allies were nearby speaking to Fodrin.  And they were very worried that the Monk was talking to Hespith who they were almost certain was Antoinette.  She dismissed the Monk, and next the Barbarian/Warlock and were told to speak to the revealed Vampire.

Once again she repeated the importance of secrecy to the two.  However, now that the Barbarian Warlock realized how tight the traps around them were, he became anxious.  Once the conversation with the Vampire Queen was concluded, he pulled the Paladin aside and told him that they would do as the Vampire asked.  However, this borderline violent argument did not go unnoticed by the rest of the party.  As the group bickered, Antoinette, or Hespith, whichever was the real her, smiled…

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