Death Note: A Spoiler Free Review

Admin/ August 10, 2015/ Anime


So I am slowly going through my Anime library and watching them in a somewhat methodical order. Many of you likely noticed with all the references to Pride, that I watched Full Metal Alchemist recently.  Deathnote was the next logical Anime to watch.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Anime.  It lived up to the hype that others have given it through the years.  as a student of Psychology, I greatly enjoyed watching a battle between two sociopaths in the forms of Light and L.

The issues of morality and what is right and wrong are the normal lure of this anime.  for me though, considering that I tend to sit in the more extremist camp on many issues clearly found a place with Light’s philosophy.  Maybe it indicates a problem with myself, but I never saw a problem with Lights actions from start to finish.  I felt the same about Walter White in Breaking Bad. (On a related note, I was waiting the entire show for Skylar to die)

Still the entertainment value of watching two brilliant chess masters go at it cannot be denied.  Truly, as a man who is obsessed with understanding Sociopaths in real life, I get a different type of enjoyment from the story.  An while that enjoyment begins to lessen a bit toward the final arc of the Anime, it comes right back to full intensity right at the end.

Of course it goes without saying that I would recommend this Anime to any who have not already seen it.  Meanwhile, I will be moving on to Code Geass.


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