Birthright Adventure Wrap Up

Admin/ June 26, 2015/ Rants

Birthright came to a close.  As I sat in Miami looking around at the world around me, as well as looking into the mirror at the new me that had emerged from this journey, I added to my resolve to create a better me.

When looking at my peers on this trip, I found that I have a lot to work on.  It was not jealousy of their success that I felt.  More it was annoyance at myself for the lack of drive I had utilized to bring myself to where I want to be.

My Wanderlust has been temporarily sated, but now that it has been given a chance to reawaken after almost being starved to death during these long three years, it will not be long before I yearn to travel more.

Israel has shown my just how incredible the wide world I have yet to explore really is.  I will not be content to sit in Orlando working to stay in poverty for long.  I have seen what will happen when I better myself, and to reach those places, I will be making some hard choices ahead.

The Holocaust Museum awakened in me the desire to want a family.  Lacking a girlfriend, much less a wife is of course a major hurdle in this plan.  While these thoughts most of the time tend to drag me down, I have held off worrying about such major problems for a long time.  I will need to overcome my past to reach my future in this regard, and not even my persistent Post Traumatic Stress Disorder will stop me.

People say that you cannot let your past stop you from your future, but if they stuck to this idea, it would render all memories pointless.  Instead learn from your past.  All of your past.  Every minute that goes by becomes that past.  If you regret what you leave behind, move forward to change it.

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