Berserk 2016: Spoiler Free Review

Admin/ October 8, 2017/ Anime


Hot on the heels of my last review, I choose now to review the much more controversial 2016 Berserk Anime. 

Warning, to even review this Anime means mentioning spoilers from Berserk 1997, so if you have not seen that Anime, I recommend avoiding reading this review.  This review is spoiler free in regards to the material being reviewed, but given the shocking revelations of the first part, it is near impossible to avoid spoilers.  Also, just like my last review warned, Berserk is a graphic story that deal with multiple extreme themes including Rape, Free Will vs Enslavement, Corrupt Religious Affiliation, Prostitution, and Mental Illness among other things.

Before I continue, I want to get one other thing out of the way immediately.  The greatest criticism levied at Berserk 2016 is the studio’s choices in regards to animation. I will agree that especially in the first couple of episodes, the animation is nothing less than awful.  It can be quite jarring to the point where even the incredible narrative that is Berserk can seem interrupted.  If these issues are too much for a potential viewer, then I recommend to read the Berserk Manga instead and not continue with the Anime, however, if one is able to get past this major flaw, this is still a Berserk Anime, and as close as possible tries to remain true to the source material.

Anyway, for those who are continuing, let this review commence.  It has been years since viewers were exposed to the horrors of the grave eclipse, where betrayal was defined.  Where Guts lost an arm and an eye, and Casca was raped into insanity.  By now I assume that those still reading this review are desensitized to these issues and I will continue on.  Viewers waited for almost 20 years for the Anime to show what would happen next, and this Anime is the result.

Like the earlier arc, berserk 2016 deals with issues of revenge and the costs of such a crusade.  Guts goes through hell and back constantly as the Brand of Sacrifice on his back summons  enemies into the Black Swordsman’s life each and every night.

Demons in the night are not the only threat Guts faces, and a Templar order also has taken interest in our protagonist.  This perfect storm of intrigue and themes of humanity and the darkness of hearts really do well to continue the narrative of Berserk that was introduced to the Anime world in 1997.

With a soundtrack that really nails Berserk and with an intro that I actually enjoyed more than the original opening from 1997, this Anime may not be as amazing as its predecessor but that still does not mean its terrible.  Berserk is a story so well constructed and with a cast of characters so incredible, that even a sub par adaption would be really good. And Berserk 2016 is still pretty good.

I definitely recommend this Anime to lovers of the original anime, but for those who have somehow gotten to the bottom of this page and completely ignored everything I said above, watch the 1997 Anime first.


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