A Most Productive Day

Admin/ August 21, 2015/ Rants

You may have noticed if you follow my blog, but as of late, I have not been writing as much.  I have been distraught, tired, and depressed all the time.  I have not had the energy to really do much of anything and had felt myself wasting away.  That ended today.

Today has been one of the most productive days in my life for quite some time.

Today I started the process to graduate.  If things go well, I will have an associates degree come December.  I’ll finally have a paper from the excessive amount of time I have spent in college.

While I was at the college, I began to set a path forward to find better opportunities. I am finding that my current job while rewarding than some of my past experience is very taxing on my body and mind.  It is in my best interest at this point in my life to reduce stress where I can.

Still the fun did not stop there.  After a brief stop today for pizza, I returned home to continue the productivity.

Today I came home and finished writing the prologue for The Messiah of Nightmares.  I intend to have this prologue within the complete publication of The End of Utopia.

Even after that, I continued to write articles for a friend who is rearing up a business of his own.  One that I intend to have a partnership with in the future.

Through the day I even managed to start picking up the pieces of my life and start paying bills that were long overdue to be paid.

As I write this blog post, I can say with confidence that I am quite pleased with today.

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